Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
From last episode on ending a game right, Nick and I explore the starting of a game. This episode, Nick and I, talk about the process of onboarding. This delicate step is all about how to bring players into your game. They need to intuitively understand what they can and cannot do in this game world. I can say that this one of those important steps that can never get enough attention. More about this topic is reviewed in the book Explore Like a Pirate. Check out that for further info. So climb aboard and get ready to start your path to successful onboarding.
Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
Click! You just heard the Well Played odometer round up to 10! I couldn't be more honored to have great conversations with talented and dedicated educators. These power packed X episode have been an absolute delight.
This episode, Carrie and I talk about finishing your game strong. Your kids have slaved away at this game for a week, a month, or maybe, in the case of our two crazy games, an entire year; how would you wrap that game up?
Well building in an epic ending has been just as important as creating a solid foundation in the beginning. So lets dive right into this podcast and see how we can close the curtain on our games together. As always, love to hear your feedback and comments in the box below or on twitter.
Take care and as always, game on!
Tuesday Jun 06, 2017
Tuesday Jun 06, 2017
Nintendo Entertainment System
[Power] [Reset]
Push the Power button down, see the red glow of the little square and listen to midi file play as the 8-bits of the pure joy lights up your dark basement. This describes many Gen Xers childhoods. In this episode, Michael and guest Adam see what can be gleaned from these experiences. Enjoy as we reminisce about our childhoods and talk passionately about how these, now ancient memories have powerful implications for our course design today!
Saturday May 27, 2017
Saturday May 27, 2017
What do you get when you put two nerds on one podcast talking about Minecraft... Give up? You get two nerds, Michael Matera and Jon Spike chatting about Minecraft in their classrooms. Listen along as these two dive into some creative uses and maybe even justifications for software like these in your classroom. Even, if you are so bold, you may join in the conversation. With Soundcloud you can post comments right on the timeline... Post a comment on our blog as well. Let us not forget the #WellPlayedU quest challenge as well... So make sure you post to our hashtag and include #WPquest to win some of that ultra-awesome gamification swag. It looks like you have lots to do, so if I were you, I would get going!
Tuesday May 23, 2017
Tuesday May 23, 2017
The snow capped mountains of professional development loom ominously over us as Tisha and I set out from Base Camp. We promise to take you on a quest of knowledge, up the PD mountain and return you safely back here to sea level. As your gamification sherpas, we can promise you that... What we can't promise you is that you will return the same you as you left. For once you accept this quest, this charge really, you can't help but become something greater. We hope you are brave enough to be among the few, the mighty, the 3 listeners, we have to join in and scale this mountain together.
Todays topic: Quests. Tisha and I swap stories and ideas for quests for you guys to use. An additional bit that you will hear, and no carabiners required to use them, are our ideas on items that relate to quests in a gamified classroom.
So, what are you waiting for? Put in the ear buds, push the play, and get climbing with us!
Tuesday May 16, 2017
Tuesday May 16, 2017
The stakes have never been higher! In this, the sixth episode of Well Played podcast, Michael and Sean tackle a perennial question... Do you use a preexisting theme like Hunger Games or do you design your own world modeled after these themes. In this case, Sean is stuck between designing a fresh and new space theme that can borrow from all the greats into one epic adventure or Star Wars. Not sure what he will choose, but what I do know is that you should join us on this adventure...
Tuesday May 09, 2017
Tuesday May 09, 2017
In this VERY SERIOUS podcastery from renowned "Men of Play" Michael and Quinn discuss how playful kindergarten lessons can fit and flourish in the post kindergarten class. It is a great discussion and one that will have to revisit as these two pirates have a lot of loot to share.
Sit back, grab some podcast snack like popcorn... That is totally a podcast snack, right? Enjoy the show and your welcome for the flashbacks to your childhoods.
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Tuesday May 02, 2017
This episode Nick Davis and I explore the nerdiest of all nerdy; board games. Come get your secret peek into this world that you always wished you knew more about. Don't be shy, it is going to be ok and no one will notice that you have listened and even enjoyed the show. Wait, no that is not what you should think... You should share your new found knowledge of the importance of table top games with the world. In fact, stop reading this and start tweeting it...
Games we discussed:
Rhino Hero
Love Letter
2 Rooms and a Boom
Glug Glow
Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
In this fabulous episode of Well Played, Adam Blod and I discuss how students dive deeper into the content with Gamification. While there is no need to wear speedos to listen to this podcast, it couldn't hurt as we swim with speed toward greater understanding of how gamifciation changes how students see themselves and our content.
Have a listen...
Monday Apr 17, 2017
Monday Apr 17, 2017
Stop rubbing your eyes. They don't deceive you, and nor do your ears. Well Played episode 2 is here. It is been packaged into a nice 30 minute digital version of audio bliss. Perfectly scaled for your prep period or commute. If you are one of those lucky people who live five minutes from your home... Then use the extra 25 minutes of our podcast and go for a walk when you get home.
In this second podcast, we talk about how to use the time at the end of the year to try new things. Yes, you are correct in what you are thinking, we use our 4th quarter students like lab rats. We poke and prod them along through different apps and pedagogical ideas. This time a year is a great place to experiment and grow as professional educators. Come have a listen...
Wednesday Apr 05, 2017
Wednesday Apr 05, 2017
At last, you can enjoy learning about gamification, game based learning and instilling a sense of wonder in your students through the power of play while peeling potatoes for dinner, or during an exceptionally banal bout of hide and seek. This is Well PlayED's first episode, and it promises to be a rousing one at that. Tisha Richmond and I are talking all things gamification. It is a wonderful invitation to join the conversation about this powerful teaching tool.
This podcast was the work of 7 years of building a community around the idea of all things playful and joyous in education. Have a listen and learn all there is about building engagement in your classroom.
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